04 June 2010


Yesterday was Italy's first friendly with the final 23 player squad. They played Mexico and let's just say...it wasn't pretty. Unfortunately, I didn't get to watch all of the match, however, from the parts I did see, I should probably be thankful I didn't watch the rest. From what I've read and heard from others, Italy were a mess. What makes me laugh is that I said it from the beginning, this team is unimpressive. They will not do well in the World Cup and while everyone else was surprised by this result, I totally expected it. This is what Lippi decided and now he has to live with the consequences. A part of me hopes they do well because, of course, Italy is my team, but there's another little part of me that hopes they fall on their faces just to be able to say "I told you so".
I think sometimes people mistake me for being just another crazy fangirl, but I would just like to say that is a false assumption. I watch football week in and week out and I do a lot more than admire the tradition of jersey trading at the end of matches. I know of what I speak to a degree. Never will I claim to be an expert or that I know everything. When I'm wrong I will be the first to admit it, as much as it kills me. But I definitely think some people don't give me enough credit and to them I say, did you see the game yesterday?
Anyways, the boys were less than impressive and so was the scoreline. Apparently, it easily could have been 3-1 if San Gigi hadn't made a very important save to save us from any extra embarrassment.

Of course after the match out came all the excuses of "we're exhausted" "our legs were heavy" and Lippi's gem of the day "This is not the real Italy". Really, you're tired?! From what?? Training!? Well, God forbid! I mean really, what the hell do these players expect?! And how are they going to be in the World Cup when they are playing 3 group matches within 2 weeks?!? Are they going to blame their shortcomings on being tired?? And what, did Mexico not have a training camp? Don't you think they are probably exhausted having traveled a much further distance for the friendly?! And Lippi, I know this isn't the real Italy, you left the real Italy back home. Good call on that one chooch! I'm over this team already and the World Cup hasn't even started.

Its times like these that I truly wish I wasn't so attached to football and I could just drop the whole thing and never look back. The bandwagon jumpers have it easy....

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